10 key jobs to do in your garden in time for spring
While temperatures may still be chilly, the evenings are getting lighter, which means temperatures are likely to start rising sooner rather than later. As spring will soon be with us, February and March is an ideal time to get out into the garden and start getting it ready for the rest of the year.
Doing this could ensure your garden looks at its best when the warmer weather arrives, so that you can make the most of it with friends and family. So, with this in mind, find out about 10 jobs you could do to prepare your garden for spring and summer.
1. Tidy up the flower beds
The first job should be to have a tidy up. This could include removing leaves and other debris from flower beds and borders, as well as cutting back the dead growth of deciduous grasses and herbaceous perennials.
Also, clear borders and beds back to bare soil and put the organic matter you’ve cleared away into your compost bin. Remove any weeds you can see, but remember not to compost them as doing this could cause problems later on.
2. Sow seeds that need longer to grow
In February you can start sowing the seeds of plants that need longer to grow, such as geraniums and begonias. If you do this they’ll probably need to be started in a heated propagator or something similar to ensure good growth.
3. Add colour into the garden
Spring is the time to bring colour into the garden after the long, dull winter using tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. If you didn’t manage to plant bulbs back in the autumn, you can still go to a local garden centre and buy plants that could provide a much needed splash of colour this spring.
If you don’t have room for borders or beds, you might want to put the flowers into containers and pots to brighten up the patio or terrace.
4. Find and remove garden pests
Finding and removing hibernating pests at his time of year could save you a lot more trouble later on in the summer. Take a close look at the crowns of your perennial plants and check for slugs, snails and aphid colonies that have been sheltering during the winter.
If you still haven’t cleared last year’s pots of summer bedding, check them for white-vine-weevil larvae, which live in the compost and feed on plant roots. Destroy any larvae that you find and be prepared to treat for vine weevils this year.
5. Clean and sharpen your gardening tools
Maintaining your garden tools not only makes your life easier when working in the garden, it also helps to preserve them, which could save money in the long run. Furthermore, it could help prevent the spread of disease, as dirty secateurs can pass bacteria and fungi to fresh pruning wounds.
Give your tools a clean using a strong detergent, hot water and stiff brush, and then sharpen them to improve their performance. Once sharpened, apply some oil or WD40 to blades and hinges. Other tools, including spades, hoes, trowels and rakes will also benefit from a good clean.
6. Give your patio a spruce up
The harsh winter months could have left your patio looking unloved and below par. As such, a good way to help return your garden to its former glory is to spend time giving your patio a good clean and spruce up.
Start by sweeping up any old leaves then give it a jet-wash to remove the grime left over from the winter months.
7. Harden off tender plants
As spring draws nearer, you probably need to acclimatise any young plants you’ve been growing in your greenhouse to the outside. A good way to do this is to place them outside during the day and bring them in at night for a week, remembering to keep them away from direct sunshine.
Then leave them outside all the time for the following week, yet cover them at night-time using a fleece. Alternatively, you may want to put them into a closed mini greenhouse or cold frame at night during the week. Once this is done, they should be ready to plant.
8. Maintain and mend your fences, gates and trellis
Check fence panels, gates and trellis for any sign of weather damage or decay. Clean fence panels and gates with a power washer to remove dirt, moss and mildew and use a stiff brush to help remove stubborn grime. Let the wood dry completely before applying two coats of stain, paint or wood preservative on a dry day.
Dealing with these jobs early in the year means that you’ll be able to enjoy your garden more in the summer.
9. Give your mower an MOT
When the warmer temperatures arrive, it will be time to start thinking about your lawn. Before it’s time to start mowing though, it’s an excellent time to check your lawnmower to make sure that it’s in good condition for the year ahead.
If you have a petrol mower, consider changing the oil, replacing the spark plug, cleaning the air filter and sharpening the blades. If your mower is powered by electricity don’t be tempted to ignore it, as it’s worth checking to see if the blades need to be cleaned and sharpened as well.
10. Help the hedgehog
Hedgehogs are now an endangered species, meaning that gardens are becoming increasingly important sanctuaries for them. So consider giving hedgehogs a helping hand by leaving a patch of garden to grow wild, as this provides them with somewhere to hide.
You can also help supplement their diet with meat-based pet kibbles or specialist hedgehog food that’s available from pet shops and garden centres. Avoid mealworms as they have little nutritional value and can cause a disease that weakens bones in hedgehogs.
Leave out fresh water and you might want to consider cutting holes in your fence big enough for hedgehogs to pass through to forage and mate without needing to cross busy roads.
Get in touch
We hope that these 10 jobs to do in the garden help you make the most of it when the warmer weather arrives later this year. If, on the other hand, someone you know would like to discuss their financial situation, investments or retirement strategy, we would be happy to help.
Please email us on info@harperlees.co.uk or call 01277 350560. We would be pleased to have a conversation with them.
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