What is “Time to Talk” Day and 3 clever ways to get involved
According to research featured in HR Magazine, 70% of employers believe that the mental health of employees will improve in 2023. One reason for this, it reports, could be that 93% of employers now provide mental health benefits in the UK, which has resulted in more than three-quarters of workers using them.
As a client of HarperLees Financial Planning, you probably already know that good mental health is something that is close to our heart. In 2022, our director and Chartered financial planner, Mark MacLean, raised £2,260 when he completed the London Marathon for the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a charity that helps those who are feeling suicidal.
Central to the charity’s work is talking to people, which is why it spent more than 2.5 million minutes in 2022 having potentially lifesaving conversations with people contemplating suicide. This reminds us that the importance of speaking to others to help deal with depression, stress and anxiety cannot be overstated.
This is why the mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in England will be holding Time to Talk Day on Thursday 2 February 2023. The event, which is being run in partnership with the Co-op, encourages friends, families, communities and workplaces to talk (or listen) each other, to help with mental health problems and boost each other’s mood.
If this is something you would like to get involved with, read on to discover five great ways to encourage loved ones, friends, work colleagues or those in your community to take part. Before you do, let’s look at why having a conversation is so important.
1 in 4 people experience mental health problems every year
According to Mental Health Resource, 25% of people in England suffer with mental health problems every year. Yet talking things through with others can help release tension, which can boost mental health and help deal with any troubles the individual might be struggling with.
As the University of Surrey explains, discussing your feelings is not a sign of weakness, but helps you to take charge of your wellbeing so that you can stay healthy.
Being listened to could also help you feel supported and less alone, and the other person may provide ideas that could help you tackle the difficulties you’re facing. Furthermore, it helps reduce the stigma around mental health, which in turn can create supportive communities where being able to talk about mental health issues can be done so freely.
Now that we have explored the importance of being able to discuss our mental health, let’s look at three ways you can get involved with, or get others involved with, Time to Talk Day 2023.
1. Get your community talking
There are a number of ways to encourage those around you in your community to get involved. Doing so helps others in your neighbourhood to create an open and understanding attitude towards mental health problems and ensures that those with them can share their troubles.
This could help anyone who is feeling depressed, anxious or even suicidal to seek help, or feel better about themselves. Ways you could encourage those in your community to get involved with Time to Talk Day include:
- A walk and talk event
- Sharing on social media
- A virtual bake-off
- Arts and Crafts event
- Virtual bingo.
For more information on how to organise the above events, and to download resources you can use, visit Time to Talk Day’s website.
2. Involve your sports club
If you belong to a sports club, promoting the day could help spread the message that talking and listening about mental health really can change lives for the better. Whether it’s in the stands, the club house or in the changing rooms, generating a conversation about mental health can help others who need it, while reducing the taboo of sharing problems with others.
Ways you might want to consider involving your sports club could include:
- Organising a social event
- Hand out tip cards with tickets
- Put up posters promoting Time to Talk Day
- Promote the event online
- Use match day programmes.
For more information on the above ideas, visit the website.
3. Promote Time to Talk Day at work
As explained at the start of this blog, most UK employers are keen to help employees maintain good mental health. Not only is it good for the worker, it is good for the employer as it helps create a happier work environment where everyone is motivated.
Whether it’s on a one-to-one basis or with a large group, there are many ways to get colleagues involved in the event. These include:
- Running a lunch and learn session
- Holding a mental health “quiz”
- Organise a walk and talk event
- Put up posters in the workplace
- Promote Time to Talk Day on the company website and through internal communication channels.
For more information on getting your employer involved, or to download materials, visit the event’s website.
Get in touch
We hope this blog is useful if you, a friend or family member would like to get involved in Time to Talk Day. If, on the other hand, we can help provide anyone you know with peace of mind about their wealth, pension or any investments that they have, we would be pleased to help.
Just email us on info@harperlees.co.uk or call 01277 350560.